| 1. | On analyzing these problems the author points out that this is resulted from the examination - oriented education 经分析,以上问题的出现与应试教育有很大关系。 |
| 2. | For a long time , because of the impact of examination - oriented education , students are not able to use english to hold the most basic conversations 长期以来,由于受应试教育的影响,使学生不能用外语进行交际。 |
| 3. | The quality education signs the spiritual concern lacking of the subject , object and content in the examination - oriented education system 摘要素质教育时代的到来凸现了应试教育体系中精神关怀的主体、客体和内容的缺失。 |
| 4. | However , no matter what knowledge concept of education may have its influence , the " examination - oriented education " is still gaining in strength 然而,无论何种教育知识观都未能使实践产生实质积极性的影响,应试教育“变本加厉” 。 |
| 5. | The creative education plays the role not only as a breakthrough of the examination - oriented education , but as the turning point of the qualification - oriented education 创新教育既是冲出“应试教育”怪圈的突破口,也是转向“素质教育”的切入点。 |
| 6. | Not long after we attached an unprecedented importance to education . since the reformation , we have involved in a strange circle of examination - oriented education 改革开放以来,我国对教育的重视达到了一个前所未有的高度,但不久就陷入了“应试教育”的怪圈。 |
| 7. | For a long time , examination - oriented education has been occupying the predominant position in our country ' s senior high school education . the broad masses of student , teacher and parent are dissatisfied at this 长期以来,应试教育在我国的高中教育中占了主导地位,广大学生、家长和老师对此怨声载道。 |
| 8. | However , being influenced by traditional methodologies and examination - oriented education , college english teaching paid much attention to linguistic knowledge , and neglected the cultivation of students ' ability 但是,由于受传统英语教学和应试教育的影响,英语教学过分重视知识的传授,忽视了语言综合应用能力的培养。 |
| 9. | The unbalance of education demand and education requirement is the object reason that leading education competition to examination - oriented education , and promotes education competition to a more disorderly development 摘要教育供给与教育需求之间的严重失衡现象,导致教育竞争过度并诱发“应试教育”现象,使得教育竞争向更加无序和背离教育目的的方向发展。 |
| 10. | In our nation the long existing influence of " examination - oriented education " results in the decline in students " mathematical understanding level . the students " ability to practice and create has long been the focus of people ' s attention 在我国由于长期受应试教育的影响而造成的学生数学理解水平普遍下降,学生的实践能力和创新精神不足早已受到世人关注。 |